
Thursday 14 January 2016

A Somerset Chronogram

In St. Mary's Church in Taunton, Somerset is an interesting inscription to the memory of Elizabeth and Hannah Gardner, daughters of John Gardner, minister of the Gospel of Bath, who were interred together August 18th 1665. It bears the following verse:-

Elizabeth and Hannah Gardner,
Daughters of John Gardner, Minister of the Gospel, Bath.
Interred together, August 18th, 1665. 

Here lie two plants twisted by death in one,
When that was dead could this survive alone ?
They were heav'n ripe, and therefore gone, we find
Ripe fruit fall off while raw cloth stick behind.
They are not lost, but in those joys remain,
Where friends may see and joy in them again.

 Here Learn to DIe betIMes Least happILLIe
 Ere yee beg
In to LIVe ye CoMe to D

The capitals in red, are Roman Numerals which make up a 'Chronogram'. By adding together the values of the numerals, we find the eldest daughter was born in 1654 and the youngest 1657, they were therefore aged 11 and 8 when they died.

Values of Roman Numerals:

I = 1
V = 5
L = 50
C = 100
D = 500
M = 1,000

ILIVCMD = 1657

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