
Thursday 21 August 2014

Sydenham Children, Bridgwater Somerset ~1956/57

It's not every day you walk into a supermarket and get given an envelope full of old family photos.  Well that is exactly what happened to me!

Doing the weekly shop I popped into the supermarket where my daughter works.  She called me over and said my Aunty had left an envelope for me.  Upon opening it, I found about 15 old family photographs.  Some I had seen before but some I had never seen.  One in particular roused my curiosity.  A group of young children.  One I recognised straight away, it was my eldest brother but I have no idea who the others are.

What I have derived is that the photo was not taken at my parents house.  I believe it was either at my Aunt's house or my grandparents who both lived on the Sydenham Estate in Bridgwater.  The photo was taken about 1956/57 as my brother was born in 1953.

The people in the photo would be between 60 and 70 now, at a rough guess anyway.

Jimmy Martin (centre front) in black
Maybe they went to school together or maybe distant cousins?  If you look closely enough Jimmy is holding the other boys hand.

If you know please get in contact, it would be great to find out.

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