
Thursday 28 August 2014

Hope Inn, Taunton Road, Bridgwater, Somerset.

Recently a friend visited carrying a rather large painting of the Hope Inn on Taunton Road, Bridgwater. She had been given the painting by someone who had had it stashed in the back of a garage. She immediately recognised it as the Hope Inn but not from the usual viewpoint from the main road but from the rear of the pub.  A visit to the pub (when it was still open) did not throw much light on the painting although some people suggested the lady feeding the chickens was Mrs Shephard who still lives near this plot of land on Taunton Road.

Oil on hardboard painting of Hope Inn, Bridgwater, Somerset.

From looking at the cars and lack of traffic and TV aerials, we guessed the painting was probably painted between the late 60's up until the late 70's or possibly a bit later.

Using Google Maps we surmised that the painting was probably painted in Fernleigh Avenue, in particular a set of three houses seem to fit the angle and vantage point to be able to see Southgate Avenue. 

 View on Google Maps

We decided to visit Mrs Shephard, unfortunately no-one answered the door so we went to Fernleigh Avenue (with painting in hand) and spoke to several people and was even invited into one residents home to see the vantage point from an upstairs window. We were convinced that one of the three houses at an angle to the rear of the pub seemed the most likely place from where the painting was painted.  The landscape has changed slightly due to trees being bigger but to view Southgate Avenue, you would have to be at a very particular angle.

We also learnt that Mrs Shephard and her husband Jack still live in the same house but sold the land a while back to Ray Barrow.

The reason for this post?  My friend would like to find out who painted the picture and hopefully find out who the subjects are with the intent on giving it to living family members.  So if you have any knowledge please leave a comment and we'll get back to you.  Thank you.

PS. Shephard can be spelt several ways such as Sheperd, Shepperd and other spelling variations.

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