
Monday 24 April 2017

The Days of King Monmouth

Upcoming Publications

In the West of England the Monmouth Rebellion is a well known part of our rich, albeit, cruel history.  There are many publications on the fate of the Monmouth Rebels, how and where they were tried, sentenced and later executed.  After many executions, it was realised that a pretty penny could be made out of the rebels by selling them into slavery, in particular to plantation owners in the colonies.

Of course that wasn't the end of the rebels fate.  For those that survived not being executed but were punished by being sold into slavery, what became of them?  If they survived the horrendous journey, and the initial 10 years servitude working in tropical climates with diseases to which they had no immunity, what then?  How many survived and what became of them?

To this end, I am researching those who were transported to Barbados, and following them up in the Barbados parish records and Wills.

Ralph Michard has kindly agreed to write the introduction for this upcoming publication.  Ralph is a keen Monmouth enthusiast and accomplished author.

I think I must be second as I was the first to order his book 'The Days of King Monmouth' a little while back.

'The Days of King Monmouth' is a wonderful book giving an insight into the cause of the rebellion and a run-up to the actual Battle of Sedgemoor, and thereafter a brief follow-up of events.

You can buy a copy of the book HERE (opens in new window)

There is also a Facebook group Monmouth Rebellion 1685 should you wish to follow discussions.

Find us on Facebook.

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