
Friday 16 September 2016

Genealogy, Genetics and DNA

DNA for Genealogy

As we move more into DNA testing for genealogy, purely by chance, I found another use for DNA testing, health reasons - keep reading!  Seasoned genealogists will know all about the paper trail, the old fashioned but still most valuable research.  No matter what calibrate level a genealogist is on, we cannot ignore the huge advances in DNA testing.

Genetics and Archaeology

Many of us interested in history might have read how DNA has shown how people in the past migrated from place to place, or continent to continent.  Much of this testing is done through bone and (if still available) hair sampling.  We really are what we eat!  Hair and bones tell us what an individual ate, so for instance, someone who ate a large amount fish probably lived near the sea.  This is course is a very simplified explanation of testing historical finds.

Other DNA Avenues

More and more people are diagnosed today with mental health issues as we live an increasingly unnatural existence.  This was the case for me.  Two years of medical tests show that I'm as fit as a flea but actually don't feel this way at all.  All conventional medical tests have been - thankfully - negative and no serious life threatening issues have been found.  Doctors and specialists decided I suffered from several quite serious mental health issues.  This doesn't surprise me as I've had a very traumatic childhood and suspected I would have carried those scars with me.  I agreed with my doctor to keep an open-mind on the subject.  I took the very numbing medication and behaved myself impeccably to satisfy the criteria for those same doctors so as to meet them half-way in finding the cause of what ails me.

After nearly a year of medication, and being told that after July 2016 (a very serious Crown Court Date), had passed, I would start to feel better.  I didn't, in fact I felt worse.  So now the doctors are doing 'real' testing such as investigatory examinations.  To be fair to the doctors, they still haven't found what ails me.  Blood and other tests, including CT scans, all come back negative.  I guess for them, the only explanation was to look into my mental health.

So why do I feel so ill?

What ails me cannot be seen physically, so all scans showed very little although some diverticulitis was found.  Blood and other tests, all came back negative so whatever ails me is not chemical or hormonal.  A brain scan showed my neurology to be normal.  A 24 hour urine test showed my liver, kidneys and other intestinal track to be healthy.  A H. Phlori test also came back negative, so no gut bacteria either.  So after two years of testing, still nothing can be identified.  What now?

Medical DNA Testing

Purely by chance during a ladies lunch and a chat, I found out from a friend with Crohn's Disease about testing food intolerance through DNA hair cuttings.  I'd never heard of this before, but then I probably wouldn't as this is private testing and not supplied by our 'traditional' medical services.  My friend had taken this test, and it flagged up all the things that could make her very ill.

After our lovely lunch, I went along to a Chinese Traditional Healing shop that offers acupuncture and other old remedies.  I didn't want to 'lead' the conversation and asked for advice.  The very knowledgeable gentleman suggested almost straight away a food intolerance DNA hair test.  So I filled out a simple questionnaire, and he snipped a few strands of hair from behind my ear.

Results in about 10 days (about 26 September 2016) - I'll keep you posted!

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