
Saturday 14 November 2015

Somerset Genealogy in Other Publications

Our research service, along with our large library has over the course of several years been called upon to assist with publications and articles.  All unique within their own right and often with a fascinating story to tell.  Here are just a few of where our assistance paid off.

Evacuees: Children's Lives on the World War 2 Home Front - by Gillian Mawson.
In our blog post Recording the Past for the Future  we give an extract from this wonderful book sharing a brief account of our London's family evacuation to Somerset.  It is nice to realise my father has been immortalised in print for future generations to read.

The Martin's from London as mentioned in 
Evacuees:  Children's Lives on the World War 2 Home Front

The Turtle Run - by Marie Evelyn. (Release date - 14 January 2016)
We were asked a while back if women who were caught-up in the Monmouth Rebellion were transported along with their male counterparts.  The answer is yes.  Our blog post Women, The Bloody Assize and Barbados Convicts briefly mentions Susannah Toleman (or Doleman) who was transported to Barbados in 1685.  The Turtle Run is a fictional story loosely based on real facts, including a female servant convict transported as a Monmouth Rebel. 

The story of a transported Somerset female
servant rebel in The Turtle Run.

The Canberra Experience - Steven Beenie (To be published soon).
Our story covering 542 Squadron from RAF Westonzoyland Reunion led to contacts being made and old RAF pals once again finding each other.  Updates to follow on publication of The Canberra Experience.

542 RAF Squadron Badge.

Adderley, Drayton, Shropshire History Book - Geoff Butter (Yet to be published).
Our story Frances Mary Morrey of Adderley, Drayton, Shropshire led Geoff Butter to contact me regarding this wonderful autograph book in our possession.  A full digital copy was forwarded onto Geoff for the future publication on the history of Adderley.  More updates to follow as and when they become available.

Frances Mary Morrey's autograph book.

1947 AUSTRALIA BOUND THE JOURNEY. A Memoir By Patrick G T Lee.
I'm very honored to be mentioned in Patrick Lee's memoirs of his evacuation from Caterham in Surrey to Yeovil in 1944.
Published by Digital Print Australia.  ISBN: 978-0-9944619-1-9.

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