
Friday 15 August 2014

1846 - Death of a Solicitors Daughter

Even today we might think of solicitors as cruel, heartless people who follow the law to the letter with no concern or empathy for their legal actions.

Reading through solictor George W. Millard's of Axbridge Unique Ledger gives us a fascinating albeit sad glimpse into his personal life.  In a letter written on 3rd March 1846 to Mrs Pratt he expresses his daughters desire to bequeath a workbox to Susan, Mrs Pratts daughter.

Stella Millard died in March 1846 and according to her death entry she was 10 years old.  She is listed in the 1841 census as 11 years old living with her father George, a solicitor, and her mother Emma. There is an obvious discrepancy regarding her year of birth.  Either way, she was quite young at the time of her death and clearly much loved by her father.

Letter written by George Millard to Mrs Pratt concerning the death of his daughter - dated 3rd March 1846

He Writes;

My dear Mrs Pratt
It is with the most painful duty to inform
you that my dear, dear very dear Child has quitted
this scene of mortality, and is gone to that place -
where she will suffer no more pain, and where
all tears will be wiped from her eyes, and she
will be forever at rest in the Glorious presence
of her Glorious Redeemer – The clearest evidence
of this was manifested on Sunday Last in
the afternoon. She then spoke of your dear child
as one whom she much wished to see – She
breathed her last yesterday morning about –
½ past 8 – Oh' my dear Mrs Pratt this is an
affliction indeed I hope we shall be supported -
The dear child expressed a desire that dear Susan
should have her workbox as a token of her love
I cannot dwell on the subject - How shall
the sweet childs box be conveyed to you.
Mrs Millard desires her kindest remembrance
to you all and I am
Mrs Pratt                                                            My dear Mrs Pratt
     Post Office                                                        Sincerely your friend
        Tiverton                                                              Geo. Millard
            Devon                                                    Axbridge 3rd  March 1846

It seemed strange to find a personal letter written in a solicitors ledger but then the underlined wording highlighting certain words gave it away.  In Wills and bequests it is common for solicitors to underline names and words to highlight the context of such documents, namely to point out what and who is important in said documents.

It seems George, even in his grief,  wanted to make certain that his daughters bequest of a workbox to Susan Pratt was well and truely documented and hopefully delivered.

1 comment:

  1. Stella Williams MILLARD according to the Burial Register of Axbridge was 16 years old when she died. That Ledger is a fantastic find!!
